Matemática Em Inglês

One of the most important subjects in school is mathematics, and it is no different when it comes to learning it in English. Math in English, just like in any other language, requires a good understanding of numerical concepts, operations, and problem-solving skills.

To start with, let’s review some basic mathematical terms in English:

– Addition: this is when you combine two or more numbers to get a total.
– Subtraction: this is when you take away one number from another.
– Multiplication: this is when you add a number to itself a certain number of times.
– Division: this is when you split a number into equal parts.
– Equals: this is the symbol (=) that shows when two things are the same.

Now, let’s move on to some more complex mathematical concepts:

– Fractions: Fractions are a way to represent parts of a whole. For example, 1/2 represents one half of something.
– Decimals: Decimals are a way to represent parts of a whole using a decimal point. For example, 0.5 is the same as 1/2.
– Percentages: Percentages are a way to express a part of a whole in relation to 100. For example, 50% is the same as half or 1/2.
– Geometry: Geometry is the study of shapes, sizes, and properties of space. This includes concepts like area, perimeter, angles, and shapes.
– Algebra: Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses letters and symbols to represent numbers and quantities in equations and formulas.

When it comes to solving math problems in English, it is important to understand the language used in word problems. Here are some key words to pay attention to:

– Addition: add, plus, sum, total
– Subtraction: subtract, minus, difference, less
– Multiplication: multiply, times, product
– Division: divide, split, share, quotient

To better understand math in English, it is important to practice regularly and seek help when needed. There are many resources available online, including websites, videos, and practice exercises. It is also helpful to work with a tutor or study group to clarify any doubts and improve your skills.

In conclusion, learning math in English is just like learning math in any other language – it requires practice, patience, and a good understanding of the concepts. By mastering the basics and building on your knowledge, you will be able to excel in math and tackle any problem with confidence. Remember to stay positive and keep practicing – you can do it!

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